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Live Events in Chattanooga


FEB. 6

Chattanooga Symphony presents All Accessible: The Orchestra Moves at Memorial Auditorium, 12 p.m.

FEB. 7

Marty Stuart and His Fabulous Superlatives at Walker Theatre, 7:30 p.m. 

FEB. 7

Jennifer Knapp with special guest Flamy Grant at Barking Legs, 7:30 p.m. FEB. 8

Drew and Ellie Holcomb: Memory Bank Tour at Memorial Auditorium, 8 p.m.

FEB. 8

EG Kight Trio at Barking Legs. 7:30 p.m.  

FEB. 8

Brandon Davis at Songbirds. 7 p.m. 

FEB. 9

The Chattanooga Music Club will present “Love Songs,” a free community concert at 3 p.m. at First Cumberland Presbyterian Church, 1505 N. Moore Road in Chattanooga. Darrin & Christine Hassevoort will sing love songs by various composers with accompaniment by CMC member Sigrid Luther.

FEB. 9

Members of the Chattanooga Boys Choir and the Bridges of Harmony Heritage Choir will join voices for the special 32nd annual Simmons-O’Neal Memorial Concert honoring two revered Chattanooga area music educators. Harrison Center, a newly renovated and reopened community space that once housed Harrison Elementary School on Highway 58, at 3 p.m. Free, donations appreciated. 

FEB. 12

The Simon and Garfunkel Story at Memorial Auditorium, 7:30 p.m. 

FEB. 13

The East Tennessee Symphony Orchestra's seventh annual Sweet & Salty Valentine’s Concert, 7 p.m., at Founders Hall at The Commons (4950 Swinyar Dr. in Collegedale). Free.

FEB. 14

Chattanooga Symphony presents Big Band at Memorial Auditorium, 12 p.m. 

FEB. 14

Jazz is for Lovers with Rischard and Kash Wright at Barking Legs, 7:30 p.m. 

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